Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Importance of Restoring the Correct pH Balance After Colouring

The pH scale is a measure of acidity and alkalinity which ranges from 0 to 14 with 7 (pure water) being neutral. The natural pH level of hair and the surface of your skin is between 4.5 and 5.5.

The ideal level for our hair (and skin) is between 4.5 - 5.5. Above 5.5 the hair starts to open and below 4.5 it starts to contract.

To color hair permanently we have to lift the cuticle and allow permanent colour into the hair.

The only way to do this is to alter the acid-alkaline balance (the pH balance) of the hair.

There are two ways to do this and open the cuticle to allow coloring to take place.

The first is to suspend the hair in a substance such as ammonia. This takes the hair well beyond its normal pH and causes the hair to swell considerably. This is effective for attaching color but has numerous side effects including damage to the hair.

The second, more natural method is to suspend the hair in a substance that acts as a moisturizer. This softens the cuticle and, because it does not take the hair as far from its natural pH, causes it to open rather than swell.

The pH of Organic Color Systems' colours is 8.5 to 9.2. This is a stable pH level - unlike ammonia-based colours which can go as high as 11+ when you add heat.

Our system does not take the hair as far from the natural pH balance and it is able to close the cuticle down when shampooing and applying conditioner. This gives the hair a natural feel and shine.

Because there is no ammonia or ammonia substitutes there is no damage to the hair and the hair maintains its natural moisture and protein balance.


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